Workplace Cognitive Assessment – using standardised neuro-psychological tests.

A workplace cognitive assessment establishes the individual’s ability to perform visual processing, memory, problem solving and language tasks and thus to find solutions for work tasks.

This assessment can be beneficial for individuals with Head Injuries or surgery/conditions which may be impacting the brain. Neurological conditions, such having had a Stroke, or living with Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinsons Disease.  Also for those with age related conditions such as memory loss, including Alzheimers & Dementia.

How a Cognitive Assessment Works

  • 2 – 4 hours with the employee, conducted face-to-face in a meeting room at the workplace or in the individual’s home.
  • The Cognitive Assessment focuses on answering the referrer’s questions, such as:
  1. Can the individual perform a specific job or not?
  2. Which job tasks can they do?
  3. What reasonable adjustments / accommodations would be suitable?
  4. What are their cognitive abilities and limitations?
  5. Can you recommend further rehabilitation, solutions and equipment requirements?
  6. How can others help the individual in their task performance?
  • Standardised Cognitive tests are administered and analysed by a qualified assessor.
  • Following the assessment a detailed report will be emailed to the referrer. This valuable document provides comprehensive answers to any questions raised by the referrer and discusses the current ability of the worker to perform a work role. Conclusions are drawn as to the fitness for return to work or for a plan of how to maintain someone in current role.

What are the benefits of having this assessment?

  • Provides objective evidence of cognitive capacity through administering psychometric or psychological standardised tests and self report questionnaires to the individual. Addressing memory, verbal comprehension & fluency, processing speed and logical thinking,  attention and concentration as well as impact of fatigue.
  • Speeds up the return-to-work process and helps to reduce the length of time the worker is absent from an existing job.
  • Helps identify any other barriers to employment, like physical, mental health, social, financial, psychological and emotional issues that may arise and need to be addressed.
  • Saves the employer money on work days lost and minimises the sickness absence management costs.
  • Early resolution and addressing of issues reduces the negative impact of longer-term absenteeism and pressure on other worker’s.
  • Gives  a positive message about the employer’s active management of sickness absence.

When is this assessment suitable?

  • Suitable for an employee on sick leave or who is working but having difficulty performing job tasks. The assessment will help the employer decide how to help the employee return to full productivity.
  • How to make suitable adaptations to the work tasks.
  • For consideration of alternative job tasks and roles they can perform.
  • How to fulfil their responsibilities to accommodate workers under the Equality Act 2010.
  • Suitable for an individual who is looking to begin employment, where information about their cognitive abilities is required.
  • This assessment can be delivered with a Career Redirection Assessment can help to identify the individual’s abilities (and difficulties – with possible adaptations and adjustments) alongside their interests, aptitudes, work history and skills in order for them to succeed back into employment.

What is the cost of a Cognitive Assessment?

Prices are provided on a case-by-case basis. For guidance, a face-to-face (as this assessment cannot be delivered on a video call) Cognitive Assessment estimate is in the region of £1170.00 plus a travel fee depending on location and complexity of health issues & job tasks.

(In our 20-year experience of delivering Occupational Health input, we estimate 13 hours of professional input is required for this type of assessment. We keep a time sheet of our actual input. If the input required is of a longer or shorter duration, we will adjust the fee accordingly).

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