FAQ`s About Healthywork Health Services:

Health Services – How quickly can an assessment be arranged?

Assessments can be arranged within 48 hours at the convenience of the individual and the employer, if urgent, but usually it is within 1-2 weeks once we have received all of the required paperwork. A longer time scale is required if medical evidence, reports and consents need to be obtained. Use of email can speed up the process.

Who needs to be present at the assessment?

The assessor and the individual attend the appointment. The individual can have someone with them, such as a friend, family member or a union representative if they wish.

Where is an assessment usually conducted?

Confidential discussion is held in a meeting room. Then they may go to view the all of the work task locations. We can also conduct some appointments via video call.

If the questions to be answered encompass several of the services, what should be arranged?

An individual may require several of the Healthywork Ltd services. Therefore the request can be adapted to the situation and one assessment may be able to cover a variety of requirements. We can be flexible to specific requests.

If the individual is on long term sick leave, how can they be assessed?

In many situations it is suitable to conduct assessments whilst the individual is on sick leave, in order to assess what is going on at that stage and to begin planning the return to work process. For instance, it is suitable to conduct an Ergonomic Workstation Assessment, prior to the return to work, so that equipment and other recommendations can be implemented in conjunction with the return to work schedule. These can then be in place from the first day back to work.

Who does the report go to?

Sensitive reports which include medical information and complex recommendations are read by the individual first. Any corrections or comments they make are then considered by the assessor. The final copy of the report is then emailed to the person named on the Referral Form. This is usually the person who initiated the referral.

Non-medical reports are emailed directly out. Within the report it is requested that the individual is given a copy of the report. Advice and information is enclosed which is useful for them to read and implement.

Who actions the recommendations such as ordering of the equipment?

The referrer usually establishes who will be implementing the recommendations. It is usually the employer’s role to do this, and it is usual to discuss the recommendations with all involved, including the assessed individual.

ACAS provide further advice about using Occupational Health Services, which may be helpful.

These are the frequently asked questions about Healthywork Services. Contact us if you have further queries.

To find out more get in touch.

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I found today’s assessment very helpful indeed, and am trying my best to keep my keyboard as close to me as possible – makes a big difference when I do, it’s even increased my speed and accuracy, lol.

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Enable Therapy Services Ltd has used the services of Healthywork Ltd on many occasions over the last 18 months.

We have found their services efficient and their reports excellent.

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