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Survey feedback following a DSE Assessment
It (The DSE Assessment) provided some invaluable advice and recommendations to help make my workstation more comfortable and prevent future injury.
Jan 2018
Ergonomic Assessment Testimonial by Fegans

Ergonomic Assessment Testimonial by Fegans
Thank you once again for the excellent service you have provided. Jane was very satisfied with the assessment and I would be happy to recommend you to others needing workstation or other work-place assessments. (December 2017)
White Label Recruitment Marketing

Thanks for the (DSE Risk Assessments) report. We’ve already acted on your recommendations, invested in a few key pieces of equipment and changed our (bad) habits. So thanks for helping us to proactively stay healthy or keep our legacy issues in check!
(January 2018)
Survey feedback following a DSE Assessment
Well worth having a trained professional actually observe you at your workspace as small adjustments can improve comfort and health.
Sept 2017
Atos Healthcare

Alison has provided a regular service to Atos Healthcare since July 2007. She is professional, flexible and delivers to timescales and her services have been valued by us and our customer Royal Mail.
Avantek Computer Ltd

Alison @healthywork provided a very comprehensive report with recommendations to suit our clients needs. A very professional service.
Ergonomic Assessments provided in Bath, Oxford and Leicestershire.
CHP Consulting

When standard instructions on worstation ergonomics didn’t result in any improvement in back pain, Alison provided expert professional guidance. This was constructive, practical and demonstrated the value of experience in this area.
Capital International

Healthywork were very efficient and able to help us with several situations. If you need a fresh pair of eyes with a medical focus to look at an employee health issue, I would recommend them.
Basetek Ltd

The feedback from the staff is very positive and they all found it very interesting. (DSE Risk Assessments and Ergonomics Education sessions).
Sensory Dimensions

Many thanks indeed for the report. Very thorough and a lot for us to do to help our member of staff.
I really appreciate the quick turn around. (May 2017)