Workstation Assessment of Office Tasks – Case Study
This Workstation Assessment of Office Tasks Case Study shows the positive outcome when Occupational Health Services are utilised.
The Need:
An office based employee in Birmingham was experiencing shoulder pain for more than one year. She was currently working but was very uncomfortable and consequently suffering pain and discomfort constantly. She was pursuing treatment with a Physiotherapist and performing daily exercises at home.
The Objective:
An Ergonomic Assessment was required of the workstation where she conducted her work tasks. This assessment falls under the DSE Regulations 1992.
The Solution:
The medical situation were discussed and advice was given on future management and working practices, such as considering micro breaks, pacing and other pain management principles.
The workstation was assessed in the office, which involved assessing the desk (height and suitable size), the office chair (unlocking levers on the chair were adjusted for her build and for more movement to be gained when using the chair), computer equipment in use (screen height and distance and keyboard and mouse positioning so arms remain by her side) and layout and optimal functioning of the equipment when performing other tasks (paperwork positioning for reading and writing, phone usage). Also the performance of other tasks were assessed and the task mix and the taking of breaks (break reminder systems) and postural changes were discussed.
An advice sheet (Healthywork hand-out) was provided to summarise the recommendations made and to provide the main points to consider when setting up the work area.
A full written report was compiled after the visit, summarising each factor of the work area and any recommendations. This included recommending reasonable adjustments, such as furniture (footrest, monitor riser, chair if required) and desk top items to make her more comfortable as applicable. Listing the specific products and the supplier details.
The Result:
The equipment was purchased and the employee was able to implement the advice and recommendations. Consequently she was able to manage her medical condition more easily and was more comfortable.