Return-to-Work & Vocational Rehabilitation – Case Study
This Return-to-Work & Vocational Rehabilitation Case Study shows that support from an Occupational Therapist can achieve a successful return to work.
The Need:
A young man had been off work on long term sick leave with severe low back pain for 15 months. There had been no discussion about him returning to work, based in Surrey.
He was getting fed up at home, he was losing confidence in himself and was fast becoming unemployable.
The Objective:
The process of getting him back to work needed to be managed. Work Rehabilitation goals and a return to work plan process needed to be implemented, as part of the ‘reasonable adjustments’ under the Equality Act.
The Solution:
An Ergonomic Assessment was conducted. Also, the young man was taught more about managing his medical problem.
Treatment sessions were arranged to include exercises and education about managing back pain. He soon had the confidence to think about returning to work. He understood more about coping with his back. Also how to improve and maintain his overall fitness and well-being.
The Result:
3 weeks later he returned to work in Surrey following a graduated return-to-work plan timetable. The Occupational Therapist supported him closely during the first month and reviewed progress, visiting him at the workplace. Contact was maintained for a further 5 months by telephone.
This young man is now working full time, managing his back successfully and feeling confident about his future.
See our service about a Return-toWork Plan & Vocational Rehabilitation or
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