meeting-311355_1280Ergonomics & Manual Handling Training – Case Study

This Ergonomics & Manual Handling Training Case Study demonstrates the benefits of using Occupational Health Services.

The Need:

To minimise sickness and ensure the effective running of their busy enquiry office, the telephonists needed to be aware of health risks and trained in reducing impact. The department manager was concerned that all statutory training was being fulfilled, such as  MHOR 1992 and DSE Reglations 1992

The Objective:

To ensure staff were fully trained and working in an environment which supported them both mentally and physically in the meeting the demands of their job.

The Solution:

Training sessions in Object Manual Handling and Office Ergonomics were arranged for all of the staff in the department in the office based in Northampton. These were carried out over 4 sessions with several staff members attending each session at a time, thus ensuring that the phones were still adequately covered by other staff.

The sessions included identifying and reducing risk factors by providing detail on posture and seating, what to do if you have pain or an injury, prevention of manual handling injuries and safe handling processes.

It was useful for the staff to discuss the problems as a group and find solutions together.

Issues relating to work processes and procedures, seating comfort and provision of other work equipment were discussed.

Following the sessions, verbal feedback was given to the manager along with a written report on Manual Handling risk areas. Individual workstations were assessed and the recommendations made. The impact of hot desking was also taken into consideration. Ensuring that staff with specific medical issues were given suitable adjustments was also conducted, which then led to specialist ergonomic assessments and provision of more individual advice and equipment.

The Result:

All of the staff had received their statutory training and knew how to get advice and support if any issues arose in the future. The workstation alterations were made at little cost. More ergonomic chairs were required for all staff as the previous chairs were 10 years old. Advice on the recommended type of chair was given.

See our other Case Studies:

Ergonomic Assessment of an Office role Case Study

Ergonomic Assessment of Office Tasks Case Study

Also see our blog articles related to this service:

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Ergonomics & Manual Handling Training – Case Study

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I met with our client, Electrolux on Friday to review all their services and they couldn’t praise your recent report highly enough.  It is enabling them to work with the employee much more constructively. They advised that they will not hesitate to use your services again – so thank you so much.



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I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Alison Biggs from Healthywork Ltd. The reason is simple: she will provide the service that you require.

Healthywork delivered approx 750 Ergonomic Assessment to the customer Royal Bank of Scotland, and other companies in the RBS group such as Direct Line, NIG Insurance, Churchill Insurance, Coutts & Drummonds. Assessments were conducted all over the UK as bank branch and regional office assessments were required.

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Alison Biggs has been a Specialised Assessor on KMG Health Partners roster since its UK inception in 2004. We highly recommend her based on her knowledge, skills, diversity, quality and client / customer care. She has also been extremely flexible with scheduling and geographic locations. You can expect positive outcomes from accessing her service.

Ergonomic Assessments, Functional Capacity Evaluations and Job Demands Analysis for clients over the UK: including, Devon, Bristol, Kent, London, Berkshire, Wiltshire, Bedfordshire, Stoke-on-Trent, Yorkshire and Northern Ireland.

Gail Kovacs

Qualification Curriculum Authority

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Friendly, helpful and informative, since Healthywork assessed my workstation and advised me, my bad back is better. What more do I need to say?

Mr Sam Morris, Qualification Curriculum Authority, Central london

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Our HR advisor has read your report and said it was the best she has read in 35 years!

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If you use Healthywork you will receive an unbiased, factual assessment on an individual and their circumstances, constructed in such a way that is helpful to both parties.

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We all enjoyed our recent training update, it was really useful and informative. I have completed 2 ergonomic assessments since the training and I found it really helped.

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Judith Fowler, Assistant Facilities Manager, HEFCE