Workstation Risk Assessment – Healthywork Assessment Outcome Measures Feedback from individuals assessed during 2013
Individuals who were referred for a DSE Assessment were given feedback forms to complete immediately following their workstation risk assessment. The feedback was completed on an anonymous basis.
Individuals were asked to rate their response in three areas:
- To rate their workstation positioning knowledge before and after the assessment on a scale of 0-10, where 0 is ‘no knowledge’ and 10 is ‘very knowledgeable’.
- To rate their comfort before and after the assessment on a scale of 0-10, where 0 is ‘no comfort’ and 10 is ‘very comfortable’.
- To rate their chair adjustment knowledge before and after the assessment on a scale of 0-10, where 0 is ‘no knowledge’ and 10 is ‘very knowledgeable’.
On all feedback forms, respondents had reported an increase in knowledge/comfort.
The workstation positioning knowledge rating prior to the assessment was an average score of 30%, after the assessment it was an average score of 82%, thus an increase of knowledge by 52%
The average comfort rating prior to the assessment was an average score of 44%, after the assessment it was an average score of 71%, thus an improvement in comfort by 27%
The chair adjustment knowledge rating prior to the assessment was an average score of 24%, after the assessment it was an average score of 82%, thus an increase of knowledge by 58%
Other comments made:
‘That was very helpful. Thanks!’
‘Very useful!’ ‘Very Helpful, Thank you!’
‘I expect this (comfort) to improve after I make changes’ (20% comfort rate prior assessment increased to 60% comfort rate post assessment).
‘Desk to be adjusted so will know more once this is done’ (Comfort TBC).
‘Unsure what the mid to long term effects will be on my back after adjusting my chair’ (30% comfort rate prior to assessment, increased to 50% comfort rate post assessment).